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Hand In Hand

~given to me March 15, 2024


In a world where hearts intertwine,

My love for you, Gregory, truly shines,

Each moment spent, a beautiful treasure,

Our love, a flame that knows no measure.


Your gentle touch, a whisper's caress,

Filling my heart with utter tenderness,

In your arms, I've found my solace,

A love so pure, impossible to express.


Gregory, your smile lights up the night,

Guiding me through darkness with pure delight,

Your eyes, windows to a soul so true,

Revealing a love forever anew.


With every word, you stir my soul,

Igniting passions that make me whole,

Your presence, a refuge from the storm,

A love so fierce, forever warm.


In your embrace, I've found my home,

A love so deep, I'll never roam,

Together we'll journey, hand in hand,

Creating a love story that forever will stand.


So here's my heart, my love confessed,

Gregory, you've truly been my very best,

I cherish you, in every single way,

Forever and always, my love will stay.

© March 15, 2024   Saqib Kahn


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